sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Why do i always forget about the blog thing! Ahahah, if I don’t do it in class then I immediately forget it!

Well, unfortunately I don’t have many pictures as I wish because I deleted my facebook account, so I did some research in the depths of my notebook information and I found this one…I know it’s a crappy picture, you can barely tell something about it but the only action of seeing that blurry thing for me means a lot! That day me and my friends decided to do something different (which means not partying, dancing, clubbing, drinking, whatever) and we took a car and drove until we couldn’t get higher. Then we took our stuff and started walking through the path in the middle of the night (it’s a very dangerous thing, don’t you ever do it) we finally sat down in silence, started drinking tea and eating the cake we did before taking the trip. That night we talked loads, hugged and realized how beautiful friendship is (I know it sounds corny) we stayed there for ours, just us, the moon and the nature at night, it was amazing because we relaxed a lot, it was a blurry night with some blurry thoughts but amazing. I love my friends and the crazy ideas we have sometimes, of course this is part of the story that you can read…the rest is all secret ahahaha

I’m sorry for the picture and the poor story, I promise that when I recover part of the pics I’ve got I’ll tell you more things…


Oh, i forgot to say that the picture is the view of Santiago, it was taken by my friend Kena and well, the location and our state of mind is secret ahaha! Just kidding.

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